Tag Archives: Orthodontics Park City

Surgical Extraction of Wisdom Tooth with Park City Dentist

Wisdom teeth or third molars are teeth that are springing up between the age of 18 and 25 and occupy the last place in the dental array. The most common reason for the absence of wisdom teeth and impairment is the lack of space in the dental arch, the irregular position or the limited growth of the jaw.

The treatment of wisdom teeth that have not grown up yet depends on the emergence possibility assessment, patient age, general health status and present symptoms.

Non-grown wisdom teeth do not have to cause problems, but if they are, they are manifested through mild to high-intensity pain. There may be a swell in the mouth or on the outside of it, difficulties with opening the mouth, and even general signs of infection (fever, exhaustion, etc.).

Complications that can be caused by an impaired tooth are as follows:

  • Pericoronitis – infection; over the tooth crown is often a part of the soft tissue, there is an empty space where food is held back that is suitable for propagation of bacteria. This part of the gum can be swollen and painful, and there is also an unpleasant breath that often rages because of the pus that comes from it. The swell can often spread to the face cheek and lymph nodes.
  • Wisdom teeth caries or adjacent teeth.
  • Adjacent teeth root resorption due to the pressure of the wisdom tooth and its irregular position.
  • Frustration and suppression of other teeth that are planned to be extracted before Orthodontics Park City
  • Cyst or odontogenic tumor – can occur if the follicle normally found around each formed teeth in the bone is cystically degenerate and a cyst or tumor is formed.

Surgical extraction of the wisdom tooth could be done by a Park City dentist with local anesthesia and is painless. It is always very difficult to tell how much time the wisdom tooth extraction will take as it depends on several factors (the position of the tooth in the bone, the number, and curvature of the roots, the quality of the bone, etc.).